The Magical World of 3H
Surely it has happened to you several times that your partner/friend/colleague poured their heart out to you, complained about some difficulty, shared their problem with you, and you immediately switched to a helping mode.
At such times, your brain starts spinning at high speed about possible solutions, and you're already spitting out the solutions to the problem just described.
You think what a great friend/etc. you are, and disappointedly realize that the other party is completely closed off and the tension doesn't ease at all, in fact!
And yet, it might even be that you had to make extra effort to ponder their problem, and here comes this ingratitude!?
Didn't they teach us to treat others as we would like to be treated? To give them what we also need?
It is by no means certain that the other person needs you to solve their problem. Maybe they just need an empathetic friend who listens to them or a big hug.
Next time you find yourself in such a situation, there's a very simple solution:
ask the other person what they need?